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What's New?
6/12/03 Well, the past couple of months have been filled with checkups.
6/24/03 Well, spent my weekend feeling sick because I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled and the medicine made me feel sick. I had stopped taking the pain killers since that seem to be the one making me feel sick and just started taking Motrin instead.
7/7/03 We went over a friends house for the 4th and I had forgotten my camera =( Oh, well, guess i'll have to take some next year.
10/8/03 I've been playing SWG and have tried to give the game a chance. Not sure if I'm going to stick with playing it anymore. I'm hoping WoW will start up beta soon and try to get in to play that if not i may try out Lineage 2 when they open up the american beta. Angelina is now trying to get herself potty trained. She's been showing all the signs way before this but when I tried she would get scared and say no. Yesterday she decided to put on one of Avery's old Blue's Clues underwear and is now using the toilet more and more. She made a few accidents but that's ok she's still learning. So far today there are no accidents =)
2/10/04 Sorry been a long time since I've updated. We are all doing well and had a busy holiday. I've been playing Final Fantasy XI since the U.S. release. We also had some bad news in the family. Phyllis Schultz has departed from us on 1/29/04. She was a wonderful woman who spent over 30 years as a wonderful companion, person and family member to my grandmother and the rest of the Solar family. She is very loved and missed by everyone. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for them during that time. I'm planning on going up there around 4th of July to visit. Soon Avery will start school this year and I hope the doctors will say that most of his allergies are gone and can start drinking cow's milk and not worry about products containing milk. The peanut testing won't be done till a couple more years to see if that allergy will be gone. Other then that we are all doing well and hope to hear and see from some of you guys. I'm hoping I will be able to go to our big reunion for all Clark AirForce Base kids next year in Vegas.=P